Wishing that part counting was part of the deal
How hard can it be to make an accurate parts count? When the number of parts is less than, say, forty. When the parts come in only five variations. When the end user has no way of contacting you for replacement pieces, because the company name appears nowhere. Rant mode off.
We tried to assemble the easel this afternoon, except that two of the twelve bolt/washer/nut assemblies were missing. I know, you can go to a hardware store (which I have) and approximate the inventory short, but if some person, nameless and faceless, had done the job right in the first place.
I’ll find a hacksaw tomorrow morning and make things fit.
We decided to watch a gala (fancy name for a mixed talent concert) on the local cable channel, and it was good. Let’s face it; not all talent is found on M+ or CMT. This time around, I collected names. Just in case. Among the noteables:
- Dr. Draw (stringed instruments)
- Tocadéro (vocal harmonies)
- Rosen, feat. Sabien Prévot (vocals)
- Richard Grenier & Delirium
- Omegadon (guitarist on a trampoline, among others)
No idea where these performers will end up, but there are Myspace profiles to investigate and the realization that talent hides in strange places. My son put it down to us not being in Montreal. I put that down to pure fortune.
It’s an amazing fact: this family needs a full time towel prep technician. Even though the washing/drying machines run on a daily basis, there seems to be a self-renewing pile of candidates for a good laundry session.