The ease of an easel
There’s a new PHP bug, and I’m too lazy to fix it. Will this be the death knell for civilization as I know it? Nah. Maybe over the weekend, I’ll work through the script.
I wonder how many natural disasters have been caused by the decision to ignore a known flaw in PHP?
We were off to a specialty store this morning, to make a special purchase. Good choice, don’t you think? Reality check: son #3 needs an easel. I don’t have any old hockey sticks around, so a homebrew version wasn’t an option. We checked the obvious alternatives (eBay and Kijiji), but going retail seemed to be the path of least resistance. I figured there were two, three models tops. Error.
A whole section of the store was devoted to the “art of the easel”. Tripods, table toppers, H-frames, fold into a carry case, aluminum vs. hardwood. Prices ranging from $17 to $717, without pursuing the special order option. Heavy duty hardware or cheap as dirt hardware. I particularly liked one that could double as a guillotine frame, but my son assured me that his needs were moderate (and moderated).
Actually, it was a learning experience, and the next time I’m called upon to go easel shopping I’ll be able to provide valuable input. This time around, we stayed within budget. There is a rather large cardboard shipping carton beside the couch in the living room. Tomorrow, well rested, we’ll go through the assembly steps.
After that comes the easy part: creating a masterpiece on canvas. That’s out of my hands.