Cooking during the power failure
The lawn still requires mowing. Our decision to replace the ancient electric machine with a new person-powered model seemed good, at the time. Now that the person has acquired education, a social life, gainful employment and wisdom, he shows little inclination to follow a spinning reel. Of course, with the local power failure this afternoon, it wouldn’t have been better with our former equipment.
I’m starting to identify with the rich fellow across town who doesn’t control “his” ground cover. Looks a little wild at this time of year, compared to the manicured lots of his neighbourhood, but he doesn’t have to worry about things getting too long. Wise. Add some wild flowers, a few trees; call it something fancy and enjoy.
The power failure came at the moment when my steaks were ready to be flipped on the BBQ. Minimum effect. No, I don’t believe we should forego indoor cooking, but for once the advantages outweighed the disadvantages (I don’t like my barbecue). We had steak and salad, as good as we could have had at any local restaurant, for a fraction of the price. And tomorrow, we can do it all over again.
Back to the lawn. Perhaps I could get up early and push the two-wheeler around. If anyone asks, it’s my new exercise regime. I don’t need to push quickly; as long as I’m done before the sun gets too high in the sky, it will be sufficient to the cause at hand. With the cost of concrete or asphalt, it also should be cheaper than paving the whole affair and painting things green.