Feed the willing
This may have been the best day we’ve seen, in terms of overall weather. The kind of day that actually saw me shed my shirt and wet my legs in the brine. Even the dog broke her resolution to avoid salt for the holidays. Then as the afternoon kept its warm and sunny character, a chance to sleep in the tent with all portals open to a light breeze. Bliss.
Finally, the need to see overcame our listless air and we drove over to East Point Lighthouse. No weddings in progress, but the gift shop cut a new doorway arch and expanded the racks of stuff. A songbook of Stan Rogers will grace the library this year. We also replaced the stuffed lobster that Java eviscerated yesterday in a fit of early morning boredom. Spent more time looking at properties for sale along the North side before a departure for Cardigan, where the willing ate lobster and the wise had chili and burger in Montague. Quite a price difference too…
I toured downtown Georgetown where the Lavandier house is for sale. Guess the younger generation is all out and about. I rejoined the rest of the van crew after listening to one of the “Cape Breton Live” podcasts. The dog has decided her way to travel is asleep on my knees, four feet in the air. Wish I had a car-cam to capture the comedy. Our travel plans are still not set, so we might leave tomorrow, or we might not. Tonight, there is a campfire to help decide…