24th July 2006

Improved coffee and wonky hats

posted in economy, Wx |

Given the ambivalent state of the weather, and my need to improve our lighting supplies, we returned to the camper stores today. Two of them, this time, since our curiosity assured that once we’d parked in the shoebox lot at Latulippe (one of three lots) the store across the street was fair game.

Turned out to be an interesting little place, run on behalf of the Boy Scouts. A rainbow of kerchiefs neatly woggled around the rafters. A different price point for sleeping bags. New style coffee pots; who knew those little kids drank java? Anyhow, we’re always on the lookout for better camping coffee, and our trusted Bodum is made of glass, so when I spotted a plastic replacement we were hooked. Turned out that we went one better, opting for a pair of individual pushcups that would allow us to spend more time washing dishes. No matter, when in gadget heaven, one buys…

Across the street, I was struck by the variety of truly wonky hats marketed to campers. It must have to do with the anonymity of campsites, because who would ever wear such apparel where they might be spotted by someone that knew their name. I am not much of a hatter at best (my freebie Novell baseball cap is suitably grungy), but the chances of my emulating Crocodile Dundee or Sherlock Holmes or the Great White Bwana are low to nil. Someone else will have to collect these works of head-art.

And of course, we now have even more large yellow worklights in our collection, in case we have to illuminate a shuttle landing or dock a large freighter or jack a moose. Just kidding; there are no moose in PEI. I did find my Xenon lampbulbs, so life is brighter!

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