9th August 2024

The biscuit is gone

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The biscuit is gone. From what I understand it sneaked into the back of the car and made his way to a nearby landfill. This was not our first biscuit another one was abandoned in a garage summers in Quebec years ago. I should clarify this was our own term for one of those rooftop carriers that was made out of injected plastic and that allowed us to travel as a family with more luggage than we really need it. The kind of strapped onto bars on the roof and that was good as long as the wind did not get inside and starts sucking things out through the outside edge. Yes that too happened. We had moved on beyond the need for it but it was still taking up valuable room in the garage. How much room you ask? Look around they’re still in use you can still buy them at the auto centre those big squarish forms that are supposed to allow you to get away from it all as you bring everything with you. Truly a cultural icon. My only hope is that someone else will reclaim the biscuit from his new home and take it off on another series of adventures. I probably won’t recognize it when it passes me on the highway unless the sleeping bag is escaping once again through the outer edge. No wonder the auto industry moved to better luggage systems. This was one that you could pick up for a few $10 bills and then try to lose at least that amount of luggage as you roll down the highway.

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