10th August 2024

Name that tune

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At this moment I am feeling rather pleased with myself. Self satisfied. I had been watching a video that made an obscure reference to a piece of classical music. Of course I went looking for the melody and upon hearing it I said to myself I recognize that. No idea why. It might date back to my time and senior band in high school. I don’t know but it proves to me that my musical education was worth everything I paid for it. We hear a lot of music in our lives and very little of it ever gets a title so when I have a chance to add a name to a tune I do so. Self education which brings South satisfaction. Not going to name the melody. Accept that it was an overture. And then dig for yourself. We’re getting a little rain this afternoon which comes from a hurricane that did not make it this far. Funny how that works. I mean we did not even get the wind. Just the water. So much less water then people to the South. I tried to imagine what you do when you get feet of water in an afternoon from the sky. Perhaps keeping a set of plans for an arc on a shelf are not as silly as we used to think. Anyhow I am at ease with my world. So much still to learn. We had a little feedback from the summer company and it seems that we met the grade. Will they come back? That I do not know because I am not a tour director. All I can offer is the place. Up to them to choose the time. I can at least keep listening to obscure tunes. I wonder how people who have a more artistic band handle such things. Do they draw pictures. Do they write poetry to commemorate the moment? I will settle for listening and mentioning.

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