19th December 2021

Want to feel important?

posted in pets, travel |

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Want to feel really important?  Simple solution: get a dog. Then (although I don’t fully understand the process), let the dog become convinced that you are the ony one that can handle his important need. Things like refilling the water dish, or getting more kibble from where ever I keep it hidden. Or, best, let the dog discover that you can open the door to the outside world, whenever the kidney pressure gets too intense. Sure, there might be some yapping and head butting, but it’s aall part of the fellowship. Lease excuse me. Someone is scratching at the door to come in/out/in/out.

Part of the extended family is off to the south. No quite the pole, but more than one of those Caribbean sorties. Anyhow, it invonves a very long day of airports and aircraft. I can watch the progress, online, and by my calculations the total duration of travel goes beyond anything I would enjoy.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve made some long trips between “here and there”. More than thirty-two times, I reckon. One of those trips required thirty-two hours (another  reckon). Back in my day, we still had regular trains, heated by steam. Important to have heat; it gets really frosty in old coaches, when that steam is offline.  Hard to forget.

In passing, I’d love to get on a train, if they hadn’t torn up the rails, and reduced departures elsewhere to the point that “historically” is correct, grammatically. This was back in an era when the world wasn’t ravaged by a deadly virus. Watch my movie version, coming sooner or later.

This entry was posted on Sunday, December 19th, 2021 at 19:49 and is filed under pets, travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 266 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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