The misunderestimation
I was fortunate; I attended a great small university, and my education prepared me for the next three-plus decades as a member of the workforce. Once in a while, people would ask me if I would have prepared attending “a more prestigious school”, something from the Ivy League. I can now answer such questions with one word. They must have misunderestimated the value.
Isn’t that a great word malapropism? I’ll have to see if I can slip it into conversation during the next few days, After the 20th of this month, the English language can try to curl up and lick the wounds inflicted during the last eight years (from now on known as the “Rain Of Terror”).
This afternoon marked the final Dubya press conference. Seriously, he managed to avoid reading the provided text right up to the bitter end. If you don’t say something that has actual meaning, how can you be held responsible by the rest of the world? Perhaps we’ve been fooled for the last two terms by a man who does speak well. Maybe the Oval Office has been the lair of a genius. Nah; nobody could be that good an actor.
For those who believe in careful investments, things like Savings Bonds, the Bank of Canada revealed just how safe your money really is with them. I was worried when they reneged some years ago on the promised interest rates. Now they’ve gone one better. If you hold a particular class of bonds with the backing of our government, your money has been automatically reinvested. Now that’s safe!