Me and my dog buddies
The things I do for “the cause”. Why, this afternoon, I went out to the RV and sat there in air-conditioned comfort. How else to tell if everything worked properly? We weren’t in need of a chill, but if ever.
Via the bias of a website, I was able to access and print my proof of vax. I believe in DIY, and not having to wait for the postal people to bring the dox was a positive thing.
The “blue-eyed neighbour” just arrived. I’ve stowed the kibble bowl, and we’re going to try a long weekend of canine overload. This is not a new thing. After the initial tensions, the two will retire to their claimed corners before bedtime. I’ll figure out the dance for outdoor moments in an hour or two.
We don’t get a master’s of history, all at once. I had sent a sign image to son #3, making light of the Donner dinner party. Missed my target. Had to explain the nuances, and then pat myself for the effort to educate.
First official mention of an open border. If all goes according to plan, the US visitors could come by in a few weeks. I have some acquaintances that SO ready for this. It doesn’t mean reciprocity. No need to go south just yet. Amazon delivers everything I need, without regard to the flag on the boxes. Gives me time to consider where I’d like to visit, and on what schedule. If the uptick in strangers is too intense, I now have the option of remaining at home.