Delaying the bin dump
How lacking in novel content is my existence? Well, I just noted that my bin dump, this week, is scheduled for a national holiday. The date has been rescheduled off to the weekend. And all I can think about is how inconvenient it must be, to give up your Saturday in return for a day when everything will be closed. I guess I don’t have much inconvenience any more. No delayed bus routes. A local store that doesn’t even “do” holidays, so milk will be in the cooler. And if I want to wander the beach, I can accept that we will have a breeze. We always have a breeze. Also, this may be the first time that the dump takes a holiday.
Those poor people in central BC; they’ve set new temperature records for the last three consecutive afternoons. National records. When things start to touch the level I confuse with a warming oven (49.6C). Not for the faint of heart.
We’re still trying to figure out what our farmer friends are doing. I think their efforts have something to do with fertilization, but I really wish they’d issue a press release. Or drop by to shoot the breeze. Or something.
The public schools have closed for another year, after setting a record of their own. We (I include myself) had no lost days due to pandemic protocols. The only province that can make that claim. And although it will make little difference in the lives of the school population, they can look back and brag that they are unique. Should make their summer hiatus even more appealing.
My genealogy database just moved past the tally point of 107K names.