Next time, please call ahead
How to tell if a story is based on spin or fact? Well, if it doesn’t describe “tires in the mud”, you have to find something to reinforce the tale, I guess. Right now, the news is discussing whether I (meaning you, too) should be adamant about receiving a particular brand of vaccine, or can a mixture actually serve you better. When the health officials postulate that a mix could give you increased immunity (with no other evidence to back this up), could it be that they are simply smoothing the way for a perceived shortage. I don’t know. This is all too new. When I received my last important immunization (probably against polio as I am old), you weren’t given options.
And as proof that I intend to live until I am much older, today we signed our mortgage renewal. Electronically, because this is the 21st century. And since interest rates are low and predicted to climb, it was an easy choice. We’re in for another five years, fixed. Still decades away from burning any documents, but I hope to make it to the bonfire.
Although I didn’t actually see the bird, we had a hawk land on the seed dispenser a few hours ago. Almost provoked a heart attack for she that watches the avian visitors. Moments like this last a few seconds, so getting the camera out and up wasn’t part of the scenario. Please believe me when I tell you that it was a hawk, and not a junco or a jay. And if the bird really wants to bring joy, it will let us know, in advance, so that the cameras will be waiting.