11th April 2021

Group them together

posted in education |

How do I feel about public rules? Well, let me give you an example: in one of our provinces, a particular church has been closed. Fenced off. The members of that “faith community”refused to stay away, after receiving a direct order about quarantine. Now they have neither access to the building, nor the support of the majority of their neighbours.

My take? Let them in, and THEN put up the fences. Let them sit, worship and simmer in their own viral stew.

I shouldn’t take this personally, given the distance between them and me. Real physical and social distancing. Except, could it be that the quarantine is for their own good? Here’s a second option. Let the leaders inside, put up the fence and let (a more limited edition of) collective insanity prevail. I mean, if they are safe because of a higher power, let them demonstrate it. If they do happen to show signs of the disease they refuse to accept, let them figure out where their logic showed a (possibly) fatal flaw. Am I hard hearted? No. Let them bear witness, as they believe they have the right.  Rant mode off, for now.

I think I’ll go back to watching dog videos on YouTube. Canine common sense.

The password to open a breach in the paywall seems like a good thing to have. More and more, I use the dodge of opening a private window, but repetitive stress injuries are a possibility. Here’ the thing: we have paid for the password, but I’ve neglected to request it from my own gatekeeper. I know, my bad.




This entry was posted on Sunday, April 11th, 2021 at 19:08 and is filed under education. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 263 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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