Just inject me, already
This afternoon, a survey popped up on my screen. A university group trying to determine how people are reacting to pandemic restrictions. It offered me a chance to add my two cents to the discussion, with anonymity (although, unfortunately without immunity). I went one step more, using my second language to complete the form. And the questions really were pointless.
Yes, I’m staying home. No, I have no friends that are ill. Yes, I am aware that contagion is real. And so on. Here’s hoping that a research assistant will be able to get an afternoon off, after snagging such important and relevant information.
Meanwhile, here, more snow. The deck will need another session with a scraper. The plow guy came and cleared the lane, although the car had escaped, hours before. Turns out that most of the whiteout was right here; I couldn’t see to the edge of the lawn. Elsewhere, life as before.
Vaccinations are ramping up. We now have three (or is it four?) approved concoctions. Looks like I’ll need a score sheet to analyze my offering… eventually. And I will take whatever I am offered. No need for me to head off to medical school, or try for a doctorate in immunology. I’m the best kind of guinea pig. Just stick the needle in, already.
From what I’ve read, even with the magic serum, I’ll not be safe until many other people have also complied. And you know how obstinate some folks can be. If the tinfoil beanie isn’t just right, they are going to snivel.
Inject me already