No need to chisel things out
Try to remember this one simple rule: media, any media, is just a file. This afternoon, I was forwarded a short audio clip. Old content. But, important (son #3 singing, back when school was still a thing). Now, the content came as a short message, and it turns out that with the right instructions, getting things into a storeable file format was really easy. No need to dig out the tape recorder and a microphone. Just click/save/rejoice. Oh, son #3, we will never forget (or let you forget).
Today, the schools remained closed, in anticipation of some nasty weather. And we did get some freezing rain, after lunch. Interesting watching the flurries get heavier and stickier (and noisier, as they hit the windows). I was inside, so discomfort level never rose above “I am so glad to be inside”. The real plus was that my blue bags and cardboard sandwich were picked up by the big truck; no need to chisel things free and store them for another month. My only real complaint with the curbside service.
Downstairs, the transition for stairwell to basement has gone very well. Looks good. Has some improved lighting at the bottom. As soon as we get the hand rail back in place, I will feel as safe as is possible for an old fool with the need to go up and down the stairs. (resetting the DSL modem). I wonder if we’ll ever graduate to fiber, here in the boonies. I’m trying to avoid a tower with a dish, which is the other technology answer to my connection needs.