12th September 2020

New way to listen to tunes

posted in pets, technology |

Headed outside with the special brush, to spend some time with the special dog. At a rough calculation, he’s losing enough fur to keep all the neighbourhood squirrels in warm nests for the winter. Had to stop, because I fear we won’t recognize him (colour shift, toward the gray).

More signs that we’re at the end of summer: haven’t seen a hummingbird in days. Did hear a flock of geese, outside. Unseen, but loud enough that I could almost keep up with the conversations. We’re out of birdseed, until the next trip to town, which means that our chipmunks must have socked away their winter supply. Hey, maybe the masses of floating fur will also find a new home.

Nothing too windy, yet (I’m watching the probs closely), but frost risks are high. Of course, the garden is  already “in”, so that is just a statistic. I did note that the last of the hay bales got a ride elsewhere, this afternoon. Switched the cooling back to heating, in the basement, after noticing that the floors were chilly.

I received a new Bluetooth dongle overnight (checking the postbox is on a randomized schedule), and it works even better than I hoped. Spent some time with a pair of headphones, walking around in the yard. The reception was solid all the way down to the garden. Now, I had lost my habit of listening to music, due to the restrictive cord, but this could signal a new way to relax around the place. My tunes, in my space, so to speak. And all for less that $40.


This entry was posted on Saturday, September 12th, 2020 at 18:15 and is filed under pets, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 263 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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