Done before the rain falls
Any time the BBQ gets put away before the rain begins, it qualifies as a success. And so here we are, with supper done and a quiet evening stretching ahead. Like most evenings, actually. Who knew that my life would become a series of quiet evenings?
Maybe I’ll read, as if that is something I rarely do. Or I can watch something educational onscreen. Again, ditto. I began the day with some sort of strange dream that found me back in the workplace, trying to sort out lunch schedules. That might be due to a delayed supper/breakfast sequence. It was disconcerting to find myself back in the noise of other’s needs. Five years and counting, and the fever moments return. Almost like the effects of malaria, what.
I hope my kids make a cleaner transition. The economy says “no way”, but maybe they’ll get smart.
Across the FB timeline, an ad for an RV. Same seller as last time. Same price point. Different model. Of course, it was time to see what money could buy. Reality check: the second time around, we wouldn’t do as well. I don’t like the layout, and having a larger loo would give me nothing of value. Plus, think of all the learning how to do (pretty much) everything. I mean, I still haven’t mastered the best practices with something from 2014. So many unseen corners. So many unsolved mysteries. Imagine throwing away the gained experience and starting again. We’ll not be trying to “trade up”, or over. Leave that to someone who wants something newer for the sake of newer.