4th July 2020

Increased effort and a risk of burns

posted in food |

If I were a rich man… there are many things I would not change. Happened to watch some videos, involving expensive ways to brew coffee. I mean, I don’t go for cheap (stopped buying instant in a jar, a lifetime ago), but my current machine does everything it is supposed to. Let me elaborate.

Based on what I’ve learned, my coffee beans should be fresh. They should be ground on demand. The “dose” should be constant, as should the water temperature and (within reason) the pressure. My machine handles those tasks, without hesitation.

Now, go a step further. How about a machine that looks like it was designed by an aerospace engineer (it was, apparently). Throw the responsibility for grind and dose back into the hands of the coffee fan, but require filling two separate chambers with precise amounts of water. Require the wait time between cups to hover near the ten minute mark. Remember, this is for espresso, so having a cup with a friend becomes impractical (unless one of you wants the serving temperature to be “tepid”). Losing interest? I thought you might, so I checked out a second apparatus.

This one had retail packaging that would put Apple to shame, and it comes in at a price point that even Dell would find high. Again, require the coffee fan to handle the details, and then the machine can take care of “extraction”. Nothing else. For the record, although the videos were highly entertaining, I won’t be joining your camps. Too much effort for something that might taste better; highly subjective.


This entry was posted on Saturday, July 4th, 2020 at 19:30 and is filed under food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 260 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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