Bent, not broken
Today, we’re dealing with a change-up in routine. Part of it has been triggered by broken stuff. Like the front UV filter on a preferred camera lens. I had to take the filter apart, in order to remove the pieces of glass, and then subvert the bent filter frame. The threading is fine, and precise. When you knock the filter, bending the frame, things no longer disassemble in the right way. Had to get the vise grips out and force my game. The filter is now gone to landfill, and Amazon should deliver a replacement within the week. I shorted out the wait game by swapping a filter from another preferred lens (mine) and we’re good to go for the next few days.
Also on the damaged but not actually broken list: the dog. It seems that he had an unwitnessed fall at some point in the last week. We noticed a curious skating motion as he moved from place to place, and so a vet visit was added to the schedule, today. He’s home, with a prescription for steroids and an order to lay off the jumps.
Here’s the catch. While others in his age group (that’s me) can easily accept the vet’s wish, the dog doesn’t always obey on command. We’ve brought in a “crate” to see if the night time prowling can be limited, and when there’s a need to go outside, he will get some coddling to navigate the stairs. If we can make it through a month of therapy, things could return to normal. If not, he could be paralyzed. That just upped the stress levels.