Sweet water on demand
Note to self: the next time we decide to surround the house with sugar-water dispensers (the hummingbirds get first dibs on sweets, here), try to find a feeder that is easy to fill. Right now, we have four disparate models. I’d like to move to one, multiplied by our largesse to the hover community. Seems like a plan, to me. Something tells me that teacups would do the job; no need for pretend flowers.
Anyhow, while I try to avoid giving myself a high calories shower, the others are off to wander (yet) another woodland trail. They don’t seem bored by the monotony of scrub spruce and birch. That’s a good thing.
We’re still trying to push son #3 into getting his air conditioned. My shopping hints from ten days ago led to nothing (except a complaint that there really wasn’t a perfect model for his habitat). We know. Sometimes compromise is necessary. And momentum. If he waits until the really warm weather starts (soon, right?), there won’t be any stock left in his area. Deciding you need something and then waiting another year is great training for the Patience Olympiads.
First sign that the next US elections could bring on a successful change of pace… the man in the Big Office has actually admitted that he would have to find another home, should the vote-totals not be in his favour. I think that the military mentioning their ability to transfer anybody/anytime to a new place might have had an effect. After all, once the lease is expired, the new tenant will be waiting to check out the floor plan.