11th September 2019

Power bumps

posted in economy, environment |

Another power bump. Apart from the nuisance of resetting clocks, this serves to remind me that our grid is a carefully balanced affair. When a tree falls in the forest, I don’t have to hear it; the restart of a dozen electrical devices gives me all the notice I need. I do hope that we get power back (across the whole province) before much longer, but the wind forecast came with a warning: more trees will come down, and more repairs will be required.

 Someone in the house received a new present (thank you, Amazon and the dog who greeted the UPS guy). Now, late night TV is effectively rigged for “silent running” due to those fancy earbuds in the Apple box.

I woke from one of those dreams that causes mental stress. In the brain-movie, I realized that no vacation schedules had been provided to those of us in the critical care department (IT). If we all went home for a few weeks, chaos would begin. Realizing that this was a remnant from my former life, I shook it off and went back to worrying about things that matter. Slow internet…

Yes, the elections are underway. Like other campaigns, I doubt that my local postulants will darken the doorstep, but the media feed (from that slow internet) promise to be corrosive. I guess “they” really do want the job, even if they abjure the duties afterward.

I read an excellent thread from Newfoundland media, laying out the pros and cons of the alternate economy (in particular, AirBNB). One town has decided to dig up the sewer mains of homes where the owner is chronically absent, leaving proxies in the beds. No taxes? No services.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 at 18:14 and is filed under economy, environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 281 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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