A creature of habit
Am I a “creature of habit”? Yes. Consider today, where I was as involved with those around me as on any other day. Going from a country place with a population of two, into a metropolis with close to a million others, changed nothing. I have some of my toys, and all of my objectives, so just let me be. If you want someone to amaze or entertain, we now have YouTube for that.
That said, I didn’t go to the brewery this afternoon. There were dogs requiring a human, and I can make the trip another time. Let the rest of the family get involved in the whole industrial process. Send pictures, occasionally. I’m here, and I support the effort without ever needing to be on site.
In the outside world, a quick check of the various social media and corporate news sites proved my point. I seem to have missed a fuel truck/airplane crash, in Toronto; normal, because I’m not in Toronto. I learned that traditional knife ads are disallowed on Facebook; I had never considered their pages as a place to purchase things like “uluit”. In fact, I had never considered purchasing one, so all is good.
Uber made their IPO today (it hasn’t gone well), but since I have never bought stocks or called for a ride, that also seems fair. I’ll keep an eye on the story, out of (very) idle curiosity, but I don’t intend to change my habits. See above.
And finally, a new edition of the Frank diary goes on sale this week. I am unclear what changes would be made in a book that is older than me. Did they change the cover photo, or adjust the font size to allow for fewer printed pages?