Toss and trust
I have never been in court, but I’ve watched a lot of TV. Think I’ve figured out the basic premise. And so, when the SK Supreme Court decided that a carbon tax was legitimate when levied by the federal government, I figured that would be enough. You lost, go home, etc. Nope.
The SK government doesn’t believe in a verdict from “their own”, and so the intention now is to move the game up to the national level. Supreme Court, of course. I hate to think what the legal bills will be like, but more importantly, why? Did the provincial government spot a missed comma in the verdict, which runs to over 155 pages of “not exactly a novel”? There is a cooling off period of thirty days, during which I hope the whizzes in the SK premier’s office will think this through.
Meanwhile, the ice caps continue to melt.
Locally, the lobster traps are in the water. Thousands upon thousands of baited cages, all dumped overboard and charted in the various navigational GPS units on board. I’ve always thought of this process as one of the greatest acts of faith possible. You can’t see the “bugs”; you can’t see the bottom. Historically, traps on top of a sand bottom don’t attract many visitors. And so, over the next two months, (weather permitting), the traps will be hauled up, checked, emptied of anything commercially valid, rebaited and then redumped. I’ve been there, and I know of what I speak.
For those who lust after shellfood, the first hauling day might be tomorrow. I’m too lazy to check. But, for sure, come Monday, people will be waiting for the first boil-up of the year.