When the days blur together
This is Saturday, I think. Too long on holiday, without the benefit of regular activity tied to the days of the week. My cycle is blurring.
Anyhow we did go up to a mall, just like other days, and I decided to stay in the van with the dog during the main shopping. In passing, last night was a touch chilly, and I woke up with the dog trying to burrow beneath the covers. New, for him.
There were more grandnieces on the floor, a chance to see faces that were just infants last time around. Walking, talking (sort of), getting the toy crate out. Was I ever that small?
Come suppertime, we changed venue, and evening slid by. Others are planning breakfast, so it may be later than I realized. I did go for a long explore around the property with the dog; a parking lot is just that, no matter how historic.
I’ve been digging into the family background for a past classmate. Sent off the first five generations, composed on the iPad. I miss the real laptop, if only for the various hooks into major databases. The one thing about researching in genealogy is that I can add more, later.
Tomorrow, there will be more family to visit, but I’m going to urge that we take a Sunday drive… it will be Sunday, right? No matter. As a tourist, the scenery will be the same.
Trying to find a baritone or euphonium. Not trying hard, but if one comes along at the right price, etc.