Watching an approaching storm, physically and politically
Four years ago, I ordered a nifty little gadget from a web site. I don’t use it often, but when I do, it does what I want. Specifically, clone one hard drive to another. Granted, not as practical as a screw driver, but if you’ve ever tried to stream “the bits” from one storage unit to another… Cloning a new SSD drive for the netbook took about an hour, but I now have a light, more rapid laptop for any eventual travel.
I’ve been watching the webcam feed from Myrtle Beach, as the path of Hurricane Florence should collide with their boardwalk, soon. As of fifteen minutes ago, the winds have increased, slightly. Cloud cover is now there, and someone has gathered up the various pieces of furniture. Tourists are absent. If they don’t lose their power and net feed through the night, I can “keep an eye on things”. Purely symbolic on my part.
In Ontario, there’s been a disturbed afternoon in the legislature. Under the “new and improved” governance of Mr. Ford, the order to “clear the gallery” is obeyed to the letter. Get the opposition out of there, and your attempts to subvert parliamentary procedure will go smoothly. No noise, no witnesses. As I said yesterday, I’m scared looking forward. We’ve built a model of representative democracy that can be broken too easily. When a member of the ruling party says that you won’t recognize the province in a couple of years, that should serve as a clarion call to all residents. It won’t, but it should.