Time to be productive
Good neighbours “keep an eye on things”. So do nosy neighbours. By logical extension, good and nosy are much the same thing, I guess. I have a hard time sorting it out, while falling into the same mudhole. There’s this field, just next door. Fascinating field for someone that spent most of his productive years in the city (where fields are there only to keep the soccer crazies contained).
By law (it is a law, right?) fields around here must be rotated. That refers to the technique of not growing soil-intensive crops in the same place, year after year. Let things sleep for a couple of years between the heavy work. Potatoes are not kind to the soil, else fertilizers would not be such an important bottom line cost. And don’t get me started on the spraying.
Anyhow, the filed next door has been a quiet place since the snows melted. Until today, when the tractor hauling a disc harrow went in and reduced all the lumps to smaller lumps. I wanted to know: how long since the last time.
Turns out that those pictures I take of “the view” whenever I feel creative are worth something. The time stamps… and the last load of spuds went out the lane almost three years ago. Summer, fall, etc. Go ahead, folks. I’m ready for another season of watching the potato plants come up. When you finally come to “dig”, I will be interested, in turn. Truckloads of “soon to be mashed” from what was just a quiet field, a few months earlier.