So pumped
Despite the fragility of a plastic panel, I was not deterred with my most recent project. A slip of the hand, a nod to gravity and hard surfaces; the end piece for my new audio player cracked. But, hey. We have plastic cement for plastics, right? Just a matter of trial and error, to find out which tube works with an unidentified variety of polycarbonate
Twelve hours later, and I’m back on schedule. I discovered that not all memory cards are equal; cheap ones may format, but they (yes, two different ones) failed when tested for “integrity”. I recycled a microSD card from another project (name brand, this time around), and all went well.
So, after following a simple setup procedure in a web browser, my Pi DAC is running tunes in the background (via Volumio). No Spotify subscription, yet. For now, I’m sampling Internet radio. Variety galore. The whole kit has been plugged into the home theatre, been given its own “input” with custom label and set for wifi access. I’m so pumped! This project looks like a “keeper”. In fact, I might share my newfound knowledge with others on the family tree.
Outside, the new snow from yesterday is gone. I even made a trip for more birdseed, given our role in the ecology of the area. No sunflower seeds and the jays will be off to new haunts. Ditto for the finches, and grackles, and sparrows and so many others. With the stock of seed sacks by the front cash in the hardware store, I’m not alone in the need to feed.