When every basement is wet
Around here, we eat meals. Pretty much every day. Most are eaten because we’re hungry, but the occasional one also serves to mark an occasion. Celebrating birthdays is a good example. This evening, we put some time and effort into things and drove all the way to the city. The curry was worth the trip.
Trying to keep track of the transformers for stuff we need to plug in requires more effort than one would think. Wall warts look much the same, even if the variation in voltage, amperage, polarity, plug size, etc. can be bewildering. Maybe I should start putting labels on them, and storing them in an orderly fashion. Sure, now there’s a resolution for the upcoming year.
Son #3 has a job interview, tomorrow. I hope he gets it, and likes the job and all the other wishes that a parent has for their child.
The fly-over photos from the passage of Irma are a wakeup call. Sure, Florida didn’t get the kind of whollop received by other Caribbean destinations, but when every basement in town is wet, there will be a lot of soggy garbage to worry about. I wouldn’t want to “get” a new indoor pool. Or even a “yard wash”. Here, I am high enough to avoid any storm surges, but there are other places, not too far away, that don’t want heavy weather. Did I mention that the windy season isn’t done, yet? The “Farmer’s Almanac” may have a track record with winters, but sudden storms – not so much.