30th April 2024

Checking around me

For some reason the conversation had turned to the utility of having a drone. I was confused yes this is one of those words that comes with a whole set of meanings. We were not talking about bees so I ruled that one out. I do try to modulate my voice so that wasn’t it. I consider whether or not we were talking about my getting a set of bagpipes but that couldn’t be it either. Not quite musical enough. And finally I realized that a lot of people talk about the idea of flying. By proxy. You see you can get tiny machines carrying a camera that will extend your visual range. Not mine but yours. I remembered from those days of flight simulator that what goes up must come down. Perhaps that’s a rule of gravity. In any case I knew that I could crash such a thing with the best of them. An expensive toy. I must point out that there are so much usable videos out there all with people looking around them selves from on high. The God view if you will. And if you take the time to check the wind and the proximity of obstructions and all the rules of the government has put in place you could probably have a lot of fun getting out there and seeing what is ahead of you. They now have drones that can almost fly themselves. Or at least land softly. As long as you avoid the open water or sea. I am not shopping for such a thing right now but I will not stop anyone else from going ahead. Technology has come a long way in my lifetime. We had paper airplanes with a virtual range of oh let’s say 100 feet. There were even ones that were powered by rubber bands. I would not trust such a craft to carry my camera aloft. I want something more robust. Thanks to other people I have a pretty good idea of what lies around my property. Out on the open road. Where I cannot predict my surroundings a drone could be useful. I will keep it on the thought list. If someone decides to gift us with their old drone I will try to integrate it into our lifestyle. I must check with my son to see if he’s grown tired of his own. Anyhow there you have it. My examination of a word with multiple meanings. Perhaps those bagpipes would be a good idea.

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