14th April 2024

Buyer beware as usual

Being a consumer is really really tough. Not only do we have a myriad of choices but we have an equally large number of people out to take our money. Nothing for something. I watched a national show dealing with ticket sales. Not because I want to buy tickets or have any intention of doing so because I’m always curious. How many ways can you empty someone else’s pocket. And believe me the large companies have it all figured out. We make laws calling them anti trust but in reality if you are there first with a good idea to take someone else’s money, the chances of the law ever stopping you, are low. When the venue and the contracts and the cost of tickets are all set by someone else, you as a consumer can only sit back and hope to watch. That expression Nosebleed seats? It’s real. In the larger venues they will sell you something close to the roof and then let you pretend you saw what was going on down below. Meanwhile down below, those are platinum prices. Let that mean what it will. Certain parts of the world have put into place legislation to protect the buyer but in certain other parts of the world the seller owns the government. Rather obvious when you check on it. No rules are too big to not be broken. You may guess that I am not in the part of the world where going off to a ticket site and spending $1000 for a couple of hours with thousands of others is something that happens often. I am not in the market and it has been reinforced by watching consumer programs. I also learned that sites where you can buy at a bargain cost open box or returned goods, supposedly being sold by large companies are often nothing more than a joke web pages created by companies to sell goods that are inexpensive to produce. Before you drop your money try to get your hands on the object. It’s the weekend forgive me if I seem a little anxious.

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