22nd April 2024

Super bugs

I try not to be frightened by the things I cannot see. However after listening to a podcast about super bugs my stress level has risen. Turns out there are many things in hospitals that are not only difficult to see but that are difficult to control. We have given such power to the antibiotic that it now controls what we can and cannot fight. I almost wish for those days a lifetime ago when penicillin was all there was. Laboratories have developed many stronger things for lack of a better word and those things have been abused by doctors and hospitals figuring that they had the answer to every question. Turns out if you use your weapon too often the edges get dull. Soldiers from bygone era knew that one but those who worked in hospitals were fully convinced that they knew better than nature. And so, now, we have bugs we cannot kill. More than one of them. I will not be going to wander around the hospital anytime soon, I hope, because there are too many people that come through that have fallen into the bug trap. I remember that for anyone who works in the school you quickly learn that a classroom full of students is a classroom full of pathogens. For the main part we have that part under control. Or we did. From what I learned in the podcast even the names are designed to strike fear. If you can’t say it or write it, you can’t fight it. Surely there would be better spells in the future but in the United States the pharmaceutical industry has stopped certain strains of research because the profit was no longer visible to them. I know, invisible bugs. However the choices of what to research in the lab are driven as much by shareholders as by disease. A train that is out of control. I have no real involvement in stock markets and it makes me wince to watch how certain people figure the only thing to worry about in life is whether or not their investments are doing better than last year. Hence, the problems with research being limited by money. In short, things are not going to get better anytime soon. Will we all die of a super bug? Probably not, but some of us will be a lot sicker before they are well.

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