5th April 2024

Trust your maps

During the last few days we have been on alert. Weather alert. Along with forecast, watch statement, hashtags, and any other number of things that made me think maybe the final storm of the season was coming. Until two hours ago when it all stopped. And now I want to know, did we run out of snow. Did someone forget to order enough and then they just left the rest of us here on our own. Imagine the stress for a plow driver. Maybe they got the name of this place wrong. There is according to an Atlas another place in the world that has a similar name. Did the weather people simply misread their maps? Tiny letters on the field of blue. We may never know. I was watching a video from some people aboard a ship. Sort of a local ship. One that leaves some down the road aways. And all I could think was what a horrible fate to be trapped on the ship with these people for more than a couple of hours. Enough to make me stay at home. Meanwhile New York City had an earthquake. From what I can tell nothing fell down and there is no real disaster but I’m sure they will sleep less soundly tonight. ‘Cause you know aftershocks. I then watched another video of people traveling here. And they too got the places’ names wrong. Maybe this is the fault of our dependents on a GPS program by someone far away. I had to watch their video just to make sure we were talking about here because it all seemed so confusing. The fact that they visited in early Spring and were surprised to find that summer was not here is another sign that many travellers are ill equipped for the differences that they will encounter when they go somewhere far. Come on folks, take the time to study before you go. And don’t remind yourself too often that you think you know it all. You don’t. Stop believing cheap video feeds and logs. You will notice a marked absence of places names on my part.

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