17th January 2024

Only minor scenery changes

When you travel I hope that you, like me, take the time to enjoy the scenery. I’ve tried a variety of methods in a variety of places. By bicycle, the road went by at a speed that was reasonable. In a car, even when you were driving, you’d get a good view outside in both directions. But, when you move to mass transit for a number of reasons the game changes. I am not referring to when you travel by air, there you see almost nothing unless you count the clouds. But on the ground, things are better. A bus is reasonable and the train is even better. Oh! I have not done so for awhile. I did take the time to see about 1/3 of the country by train. The wonderful part is that the roadways were laid down a long time ago. And even after more than a century the view remains much the same. Trees may grow, rivers stay between their banks. I know that if tomorrow, I’m going down to a train, I could still tell where I am going. No need to worry about the distance going by. Fun details but not part of the experience. Where would I go if I had the chance? That is easy. I want to see what lies across the border. They too have a lot more highways than in the beginning but the rails stayed in place. When you travel beside a majestic river, you have a chance to see the same view as the people did when they laid down those rails. You cannot say that about roads. There was a time when everybody travelled through the woods. That, too has changed. I remain confident that I would still be able to tell where in the country I was traveling; although, if you leave the train signs in place that will help. One of those small things makes Canada so stable. Sadly, here in the east, most of our tracks have been taken up. Not a sign of something to celebrate nor a recognition that things were done right the first time around.

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