6th January 2024

Local school ideas

This is the time of the year, locally when Community Schools look for clientele. They offer up a list of courses that are supposed to attract the local population into spending an hour or two each week in a church basement. And I have to point out that there’s a supply and demand involved here. You need people who understand a particular craft to teach it to others. So many things that were given in the time of my grandparents are no longer considered as possibilities. I would love to learn how to hitch up the team take the cards to town. Or make a batch of moonshine out in the back building. Or even cut down a number of trees and drag them out of the woods. Instead we get crafts like making a blanket using yarn. I wonder if anyone has thought of showing people like me how to make a proper batch of gingerbread cookies. My grandmother knew such things. Possibly my mother. One or two of my siblings maybe. But me I have never learned to make a proper gingerbread cookie. Think how much better the world would be. Or, how to go and get a bag of oats and turn that into oatmeal. There must be instructions somewheres. I can see spending weeks taking my oats and turning them into whatever it is you use to make oatmeal. You see. I have so much left to learn. And as for those trees, I do know how to cut down a tree but getting it out of the woods would be very tricky do dragon fully pointy end or the square end? I’m sure I could come up with other questions that would make any instructor laugh, for the rest of the season. But I will be smarter when all is said and done.

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