10th January 2024

The next calm day

I am guilty of overthinking certain situations. Not all of them but once in awhile I find myself wondering what led me down that path. Here is an example. Outside in the backyard at the top of pole there is an anemometer. I’ve had it in different locations for going on 20 years. A week ago we noticed collectively that the wind speed was no longer showing on the big wall gauge. And after a quick look outside even though the wind was blowing the anemometer was still. Oh no. Was it dead? Was it broken? Finding out would require some effort. Either taking down the pole which seemed like a lot of work or taking out a step ladder which seemed precarious. I mean if the wind is blowing and I can’t tell, do I want to climb a ladder. The snow might cushion my fall but I thought of another idea. I could send someone else up the pole. You know spread the work around. I figured out how to describe the repair to someone else and then we waited for a good winter day. Hint there is no sustain. Right now the schools are closed because of the most current storm. Anyhow at the point where we thought we had everything figured out and I knew exactly where to find the step ladder and how to find my way down into the field and put things in place and make a concerted safe effort to give the wind vane that little twitch I knew it needed, we looked outside. Guess what? The anemometer was turning in keeping with the wind and the gauge was showing the current wind speed almost as if it knew we were thinking about climbing up and giving it a tap. And now after seeing it work, I can put that problem away and move on to the next one. Probably it will involve something like deep snow which would have cushioned any fall I had from the step ladder if I carried on with my other plan period.

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