1st January 2024

Choose carefully

Some impulses are best ignored. Right now, we have no companion animal. Perhaps that is a good thing because you can really choose poorly. I watched a video about life with a tiny donkey. So pretty. Like something from a movie. Actually, it is best to just watch the movie over and over again. A donkey as an example can live for four decades. And it does not become more intelligent with age. Just more stubborn. I am already stubborn enough. I do not need to go head to head with a furry monster every day. Some of them can become very loud. And their habits at home are terrible. I say this because there are people in this area who have a tiny donkey and I am afraid that we would get there bad idea living with us. So far we are safe. For me, even another dog seems like a large challenge. From what I’ve read very few dogs hang around for four decades with an attitude. I think we’re fortunate that we can watch movies and then get the results of other people’s experiences. The Internet is probably saving many families from a lifetime of argument. With a creature that does not speak your language only pretends to understand. And of course, you have to cut their hooves. I think you see what I’m getting too. I appreciate that a companion is a good thing but not at any price. If I need to see a donkey I can go over to that house nearby and get my fill without giving up my own autonomy and place on the couch

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