21st July 2011

Trinity Loop, worse for the wear

This hasn’t happened before: due to a server change, one whole blog post, including photos, has disappeared. I was there, in the beginning, so I’ll use some poetic licence and recreate a day. For better or for worse.

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20th July 2011

From up on the Lookout

Certain cities bost iconic views. Picture postcard views. Like it or not. St. John’s, for example, has this one:

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19th July 2011

When art and music and architecture become as one

I am on vacation in a very comfortable city. One where parking may say 2 hours max, but the time lasts for a whole afternoon. A city where your coffee and bakeapples over ice cream are served in plain view of the tug boats in the harbour.

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18th July 2011

The vestiges of another colony

Just when we were getting along so well; my ebook reader quit last evening. Nothing more than a flashing light. Soon. that too was gone. And so with a heavy heart, I went off to the local bookstore and bought a replacement. Smaller, lighter, brighter, more advanced. But, not my version 1.0 that has racked up the miles and epages with me.

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17th July 2011

Crossing the barrens and other moments

Some quick impressions from a long weekend on the Rock:

  •   There are so many lakes that the toponomists need help. On a short stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway, you encounter “Triangular Pond”, “Little Triangle Pond”, “Big Triangle Pond” and “Three Corner Pond”.

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16th July 2011

At the Mall

The plan for Saturday started out as no plan at all, and evolved into a kind of afternoon that will be remembered with great favour. You see, there’s a problem around here with fog.  The government even posts warning signs.

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15th July 2011

Donning our slickers and learning the tourist game

For the record, my lack of  a planned itinerary means that I can leave the clock in storage, learn to read a map in depth and actually enjoy vacation. Today, we discovered the Baccalieu Trail. According to the GPS track, it went something like this.

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14th July 2011

Cradled by the waves

The longest ferry ride of my life is over, and there are no regrets. Only memories. After a certain amount of planning and study, we were aboard and in our cabin when the lines were loosed and the MV Atlantic Vision backed into the harbour of North Sydney. All under cover of darkness, so my impressions will remain as black and white images.

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13th July 2011

Tell the world I’ve gone to sea

Too quick with the patting my own back for this year’s car packing; I forgot to bring an inverter. Little matter. The local box stores were open for breakfast, and I now own a third or fourth example. Soon be able to use them as stocking stuffers.

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12th July 2011

You can pump gas in a thunder storm

The first day of my vacation tends to be predictable. Routine. Involving copious amounts of travel, although I now do less than when I was young and restless/foolish. No kids in the car helps give me more “front and center” time. I admit, I now accept the drive from here to there as contingent on a crossing of the great wilderness, otherwise known as NB.

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