20th September 2024

Where did you sleep

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Where did you sleep last night. Where did you sleep last month. Where did you sleep last decade. I have a certain envy of those families who have had the same home for several centuries. The idea of your own stone Manor seems to be fun once you get around the obvious problems of how do you hang a picture on the wall. And so with that in mind I took a few minutes to look back on where I used to live. Across the years. I am able to identify all of my old addresses but I do notice that some are gone physically. If your house burns down in the middle of the night you don’t get to keep what is left. And I will throw in here that I have never been in a house fire but several of my former homes are now gone because of the ravages of a fire. Fortunately that is a very small part of my history. In fact most of my former homes going back through my lifetime are still standing. We have recently arranged to photograph the interior of my grandfathers birthplace. Yes I used to live there so I have good memories. And if we were out walking around the neighbourhood I could show you the older homes of family members. When you get into a city that is tougher. It is rare for a home to remain in the same family for decades although my mother’s home came close. If I had to do over I would probably accept any one of those buildings as the place for me to sleep. With the bed. I have outgrown any age to sleep on the floor. It is just that when I when I look back on where I have been, I have been fortunate. Very few moments where someone would qualify me as homeless unless I so chose to go there. Even the campgrounds where I have slept in a tent remain extent. I cannot say the same thing for automobiles that we have owned nor would I want to return to those days when a 1957 Ford product was keeping my driveway in use. Right now I know where I will sleep tomorrow night and as it turns out that is not a claim that everyone can make despite the amount of money we have in this country. Being forced to live in the streets and sleep rough is still a reality for too many. Just for the record I do keep a couple of tents around the place for those moments when I become nostalgic or forced by circumstance to get out and about.

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