7th August 2024

A new dish maybe

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We need to keep the dreams alive. So many ways to do it. Just go online and shop period. Today I learned the star link has a new dish. Smaller than the dish we already own besides isn’t everything right. If we were to get this we could mount it somewheres out of sight out of mind on the RV. Perhaps. You can’t actually buy it yet in this part of the world but there is a review or two out there so it exists. And therein lies the dream. Use your science fiction mode for a few minutes. Imagine driving down the highway in your mobile home connected to a satellite at all times. Streaming video a when you can’t watch it because you’re driving. It is just a dream right. I look at this as a way to keep me keen. At some point we will travel again. We’ve already been home for a month. The urge is strong. And if we could have guaranteed communications with everyone else and listen to music when we want it and watch videos late at night that would be one step closer to an ideal existence. Again, keeping the dream alive. I am glad that certain companies want to keep me on their channel. I just wish they do it for free because that would be a really ideal experience. Anyhow I will wait. I am sure that in several months the deal will be improved yet again and we can once again go back into dreaming mode. Just in time for that snow.

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