6th August 2024

A bear in the woods

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From what I can tell being elected in the United states requires a fetching back story. We will ignore those who are at the top of the pile right now and go for a third candidate who came out this week but the kind of story that deserves a movie. He was out hunting in the woods with a falcon. Just like the rest of us. He did not talk about whether or not his hunt was successful but he said that on the way home he saw someone hit a bear with the car. Not his car. And so ever looking for success he decided to collect up the carcass and put it in his car so that he could take it home and skin it and eat it. I guess that’s what you do when you’re in high places. However he realized that he was a little short of time so instead he made a detour into the largest city in the nation to a large park and he deposited the bear carcass there with a bicycle on top. Apparently he also had the bicycle in the car which means that his car is too large for reality. And then he went off and the bear was discovered it made the news. It is taken years for the final chapter of the story to come out. In fact he probably would not have done so except the politician went and talked to a once famous comedian. That once famous is also part of the story. And because the statute of limitations had run out nothing more will happen. He will be known as the man who left a bear in Central Park. I would have thought that he already had enough fame to his name after some famous assassinations; plural. Most of us lead lives of common drudgery but for those that want to be successful in the world of politics you need a story that fetches. This one does. For all the wrong reasons. And if someone stops you and offers you a spare bear carcass, just say no. Isn’t that the message from another politician?

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