22nd May 2024

On the lower North Shore

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Right now as in yesterday today and tomorrow we find ourselves in black sub long. On the Labrador coast to Quebec. And so with those are given we decided to make the best of it and visit what we could. There is a heritage site at red Bay and we made it up there to the east. Just by chance someone from the staff was around and took the time to let us in. Otherwise we would have had to wait a couple of weeks. Once that part was done we headed back to the village. A chance to go for an afternoon breakfast run in a restaurant by an elderly gentleman who did everything. And did it well. I took the time to discuss people that I knew from here who had worked with me in Quebec. It’s funny how small the world really is. Outside there’s water obviously. With tiny bits of floating ice that I think are known as bergy bits. Nothing large but you realize that at any given time that could change. Climate change takes time. As well we have figured out some of the better ways to live in our small box. Such as going for all day breakfast. Something I almost never do at home. The next hurdle will be to make it to the ferry terminal on time tomorrow morning. I’m glad I am not responsible for that part. This time tomorrow we will be back in Newfoundland going to our next campsite. The road continues to wander and we take it as it comes.

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