23rd May 2024

One drop at a time

posted in Uncategorized |

My relationship with my eye drops continues to be 1 that is difficult. Even after a couple of decades. And it all comes down to the inexact method of measurement. What is a drop? Have I given enough to the eye or am I hurting myself. The bottles are opaque. The only way of determining the remaining volume is to shake and listen. Not exactly how scientific measurement should be done. I have been fortunate. I have rarely run out. I have learned that even when a bottle seems empty there might be an extra drop or two if I am really patient. Not an ideal role for a patient. Right now we’re planning a road trip and I can calculate if I have enough for one or two days. Turn that into several weeks and I am at a loss. Am I going to dry up and wither away as we visit the tundra. The chances are better than you think. You see the pharmacy does not want me to take multiple bottles. It’s not that they’re rationed but yes, they are. There is a certain amount of government money that goes into the whole thing. Waste not, want not. And so we will visit the pharmacy and try to explain a situation where the bottle seems to have enough for another few days but might not and could I have an extra bottle just in case because I’m going to be away for a few weeks. I cannot wait to see how that will play out. It will depend upon who is in duty in the backroom I guess. Meanwhile I have been adding these drops for better than two decades and I can only assume that they’re doing something worthwhile. The symptoms have not changed and I have not been cured. Maybe I am nothing more then a place for pharmacy to get money. I must not worry about things that I cannot see. I should get that on a T-shirt. A rule of thumb for anyone that wanders around in a constant haze. Mine changes colour from day-to-day. Sometimes 10 sometimes blueish sometimes white. And no two days in a row are the same. Actually I blame it on my eye drops.

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