6th August 2023

On the menu for your next meal

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Sitting alone at the table finishing my supper and realizing that what I’ve just done works fine for one person. However anytime you sit more than two people down the odds that all will be in agreement with the meal are low. For a number of reasons. Let us look at what is considered to be the kind of diet you would give to a prisoner. Bread and water. The water will pass but the bread might not. A number of reasons why someone might refuse to chew the crust. Or how about that famous meal from history involving loaves and fishes. Not everyone wants fish believe me. Think about school when you showed up with your peanut butter sandwich. You cannot do that anymore. Humanity appears to have evolved past that point. Mind you, I have no idea what they eat now. Too many years ago. But seriously we have to recognize that not everyone eats the same thing that we do. You have any number of reasons for not wanting something on the menu. And not everyone has a varied menu to offer. Best to ask questions before assuming that other people want the same thing that you do. Unless, of course, it involves ice cream. Which reminds me that it is time for ice cream. But I digress. In our local stores we can only buy things that we know people will eat. I do draw the line I deliver an onion though. My choice my table. How about you? What things will never appear at your mealtime. Assuming of course that you have access to a given product. And the budget.

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