5th August 2023

Return of the rain

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It was inevitable. Son number one returned home taking with him the sunshine. During their week here I feared they would run out of sunscreen. Pretty much the best weather you could have for the beach. And then they crossed the border and the rains returned. A lot of rain. Enough that at times I could not see out the window. Followed by lightning I’ve been quiet and then a rainbow. Just like in the movies. That’s a summer day. I have more family visiting in the area and I almost hope we have a power failure. Just a chance to show off how dark it is here when a storm hits. I’m sure the move back out soon and nothing is just wonderful here all the time. A paradise on the coast. Not much else to add to that the day is almost over and I’m ready to go to bed. I tried something new today. Having assistance while doing my Irish exercises. I take a lot longer than I need to because I have to try and figure what’s on the screen. Having an assistant made that particle by very quickly. My level recall may drop but that’s life. At least I’m not trying to translate this into yet another language. Saving that for next year.

On the phone tonight I realized that we were going to have to find a better way of doing things. Having no outgoing long distance privileges tends to make the calling rather one sided. I heard the discussion of reusing the old flip phones. Not sure why but I’m sure I will find out.

This entry was posted on Saturday, August 5th, 2023 at 21:51 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 271 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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