29th July 2023

Flight of a bumblebee

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Really one of the changes over time in my life is that I celebrate summer in another manner. I have developed the deck near our kitchen into the equivalent of an aerodrom. Call it the flight of the bumblebees. More and more family members and friends come to see us with their drones. We live a long way from an airport which means that there are many restrictions that do not affect us. If  you unbox your drone and go up you can see from here to the Point. A great view on a sunny day. As long as the wind doesn’t come up you can spend your time becoming an expert good scenery. We do not own a drone yet although it has been discussed. I would not be able to do the piloting but I get always give good advice. We’ll see what happens. Outside we are waiting on the moon. And low tide. Actually several days away but we will get there because people want to go and look for wildlife on the beach not wild life. Not parties. Just good old wildlife like in the old days. I learned that this area many centuries ago was a place to hunt sea lions. None here now but they do find bones up in the dunes. More reason to carry a shovel when I’m out walking around. Or bring a dog that does good bone find. The dogs right now are too small but give them time they will grow

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