28th July 2023

What you do not see will not hurt you

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Some jobs are a question of millimeters. Let me explain. I set out this afternoon to fill the hopper on the coffee machine with beans and I did what I thought was a very good job I could hear the beans dropping into place I can reach it with my finger and feel the beam level rising and then I finished the job. That’s when I discovered that the beans were actually sitting nicely right beside the hopper rather than in it I had to redo the transfer almost grain by grain to finish what would have been an easy thing for someone who could see what they were doing. I have a lot of tricks like that for example will eat supper I have a light that helps me see what’s on my plate. It does not always work as expected. This evening I ate a full meal of new food. Food from another culture food that was new to me and food that I could not see. That is an act of trust. We get used to the dynamics of eating and now I have a new variable. One of the dogs that’s visiting went to the vet today. New medication. An attempt to slow the onset of CHF. Right now she’s sleeping soundly. No coughing. As it turns out medications work for creatures not just humans. Went for a drive in the country this afternoon. I spent most of my time trying to figure out where I was exactly. I have less landmarks than before or less eyesight. Take your pick. By the time I got back home I knew that I’ve been out and I know where I’ve been but please do not ask me to recall any real details I was a passenger in a movie theatre where the screen was almost invisible
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