30th July 2023

Pause for a power nap

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We had a busy afternoon here in the house. A lot of movement. A lot of loud voices. And for the record no humans were involved. This was a canine afternoon. Four dogs including a puppy. The movement never stopped until it would for a power nap. If one spoke they all spoke. All take took was to see if a vehicle moving in the yard and the song was off. Great fun though and if you did not pay attention you got a big slobber on the lips to bring you back into line. That’s how dogs keep you on their side. Sure there was a little bit of finger biting or nipping or trying to swallow I’m not sure which. Dogs don’t talk that much when it comes to humans. But it was an interesting afternoon for all involved. I could have gone to town to shop for sea glass jewelry or check out the amateur radio display. I did neither. After all the dogs require someone to be there with them to make sure that all goes well in their world. Try to imagine the stress of an empty water dish. Or forgotten treat. In fact one dog made it her job to be sure that no treats were forgotten in any corners of the room over and over again that’s how dogs take care of things.

Sometimes I forget just how active a pile of dogs can be. Our own dog was rather quiet not given too much action these four only stop for power naps.

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