22nd July 2023

Imagined autumn travel

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Time to make a plan A and Plan B for the fall I’m looking at different concert series some in the southern United States which seems highly unlikely others in Nova Scotia. We could actually go to the fall festival in Cape Breton. Sleep in parking lots. Eat salads. Listen to concerts although I have not yet checked out the program. Just a thought. What triggered this was listening to a historical series about how music came to Appalachia. I know very little about Appalachia but my news feed has been full of stories where people who worked in the minds and died. So sad. We have nothing like that around here. In this part of the world we go to see. Where you can also die but there’s no coal involved. And the music is the same wherever you go. As I say we still need to work up a plan A and a Plan B. Right now Nova Scotia is going through some bad floods on the roads. I do not want to see that of clothes and I wonder if the roads will be repaired come autumn. It actually has been raining hard here since before dawn. I had gone out to sleep in the RV because it was so calm and peaceful and the pitter patter of rain on the roof was just background music. But for this afternoon we have a lot of water. I keep hearing the sump pump turn on and off which is a good sign and a bad sign. It means if I was to go walk in the woods I would probably need a boat. We still have our houseguest. She’s a walking and I imagine she’s very wet right now. Dad it’s been a quiet day for me. Setting in the half dark listening to videos. My life in this year. I keep thinking that I need to find a musical instrument and then drive myself to produce. Has not happened recently because it is so distracting to have to look for my fingers might be. I need to get back to where it’s simply second nature

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