21st July 2023

Concert avoidance

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There was a time when I would have gladly gone to an outdoor concert. Wind rain cold nothing like that mattered it was the music that drew me to those horrible seats in front of the stage but I’m getting older now. Tonight I did the usual truth table of decisions: it’s sunny and there’s no wind. Hence there will be bugs. Then the wind came up. Too windy to sit outside and listen to live music. Just after that the rain began: too wet to be outside listening to music. And all the while the fear of sitting on a very solid bench.

Outside this afternoon people were searching for a speedometer. Literally. One that had fallen from a passing bicycle. They did not find it which means that tomorrow if there is no rain or wind or bugs I can search for the missing treasure. I might see it. Or walk on it. We have been comparing notes on growing up a long time ago. Back when there was no public transportation and people went from place to place with their thumb. I did that far too often. I learned that getting from there to here could take 32 rides. Not even a record. Perhaps that’s the reason I avoided ever getting my own car. I would not want to have been the person who gave people a ride for a kilometre and then stopped. How to explain to a stranger that they have to get out because you’ve gone far enough.

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