19th July 2023

Updates to progress

posted in Uncategorized |

As I wait for a software update to complete, I realized that I have been doing this for a very long time. Not this specific update but updates in general. I have had computers longer than I have had children. And every computer has required some sort of maintenance. I have been very fortunate. I have never actually bricked a device. In case you’re wondering, that does not mean hitting the device with a brick until it becomes better. Similarly, I have rarely had to rollback an update. I know how and I know why but it just doesn’t seem to happen to me unlike other people. Most of the updates are given to you by the companies for a good reason. They correct things that were found after the device left the factory after coming to your hands but that would affect their reputation going forward. So, they make little patches available that you apply. For a number of years, I had to apply patches every week to the machines at work. A process that was done early in the morning so as not to upset the other workers. We were productive folks. Now, doing updates is simply an exercise inhabit. I’m usually able to get through them in short order unless I can no longer read the screen. Then I restart the machine and life goes on. I was also thinking about how long I’ve been trying to get better Internet service. Remember, I am old, and I can remember modems. I can member calling BBS systems to get new software. On my dime, of course this was always a long-distance call. Since leaving work I’ve gone through a series of modems. Each one a little faster a little better than its predecessor we are now playing with the latest in technology meaning a satellite receiver. And it works, most of the time. So far, I am very satisfied the real test will come when we finally take the dish and go camping. Trying to get Internet in the middle of an empty space far from home. Supposedly it works but I have not yet tested it. Maybe this weekend, since I have nothing better to do with my time.

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